Meanwhile, also on Sunday 28 February, the often visiting American-registered Eclipse EA500 bizjet N257AK was noted arriving back into the Whitsunday Airport at Shute Harbour from Archerfield. The sleek little corporate bizjet is reportedly based at Archerfield and completes weekly visits of between 3-4 days. It is reported that the small Eclipse is flown by a local Airlie Beach businessman.
UPDATE! On Thursday 4 March, N257AK departed the Whitsunday Airport at Shute Harbour and returned to Archerfield.
Finally, also on Sunday 28 February, a couple of visitors departed or passed back through some Central Queensland Airports with Brisbane-based Teys Australia Cessna 525 Citation CJ2 bizjet VH-TEY departed Blackall Airport for Toowoomba and Archerfield. As posted below, VH-TEY flew up to Blackall Airport from Toowoomba on Saturday 27 February.
And Brisbane-based Altitude Aviation Raytheon B200 King Air VH-EEL popped back into Rockhampton Airport from Cairns before it then departed back to its Archerfield base. As posted below, VH-EEL flew up to Cairns from Archerfield and Brisbane via Rockhampton Airport on Saturday 27 February.