Monday, September 28, 2015

Sunday Afternoon Storms in Brisbane Cause Diversions to Central Queensland Airports

With thanks to the Brisbane Airport Movements Blog, we can report on four flights that were affected by a line of severe storms that passed through Brisbane during the afternoon on Sunday 27 September.

Virgin Australia Regional Airlines (VARA) ATR 72-600 VH-VPI (pictured below) was operating the VOZ1702 service from Bundaberg to Brisbane and returned to Bundy.

File photo taken by Micah S  ©

Meanwhile fellow VARA ATR 72-600 VH-FVZ diverted to Bundaberg while operating as VOZ1714 from Gladstone to Brisbane.

Two other flights were forced to divert to CQ Airports with Virgin Australia Boeing B737-800 VH-YFP which was operating as VOZ782 from Cairns to Brisbane diverted to Mackay while QantasLink (Cobham Aviation) Boeing B717-200 VH-NXM which was operating as QJE1799 from Alice Springs to Brisbane diverted to Hervey Bay (Fraser Coast) Airport.

With VH-NXM diverting to Hervey Bay, there was actually two QantasLink B717-200s on the ground at once with VH-YQT also visiting while operating from and back to Sydney.

1 comment:

  1. Here's hoping that everyone stays safe in the mad weather that we're having! It's a good time to take a nice bottle of wine and some chips out of pantry storage and batten down the hatches at home!
